We would like to introduce an exciting opportunity for students to participate in a semester exchange at the prestigious Venice International University (VIU) in beautiful Venice, Italy! Application is now open for Fall 2025 and Spring 2026 Term!

Why Choose Venice International University?

  • World-Class Education: VIU partners with 23 top universities from 15 countries including Duke University, Boston College, KU Leuven, Waseda University, offering innovative and interdisciplinary courses in a variety of fields.
  • Erasmus Exchange Benefits: Study at VIU as an Erasmus exchange student without paying tuition fees, giving you access to world-class education.
  • Internship and Scholarship Opportunities: VIU offers exclusive internship opportunities and scholarships to students of its member universities who attend the Globalization Program, helping to enhance both academic and professional development.
  • Cultural Immersion: Experience living in one of the most unique cities in the world. Venice’s rich history, stunning architecture, and vibrant art scene will offer you more than just an academic adventure
  • Global Networking: Engage with students from diverse backgrounds, building connections that can last a lifetime. Collaborate on projects, join cultural excursions, and take part in international events that will expand your global perspective.

Program Details:

  • Duration: 1 Semester - Fall 2025 or Spring 2026
  • Application Deadline: 29.01.2025 @16:00
  • Eligibility: Open to all undergraduate students with minimum 2.20 CGPA
  • Location: Venice International University, Island of San Servolo, Venice, Italy
  • How to Apply: Please check the announcement onMysu-"Erasmus Main Call Application". On https://turnaportal.ua.gov.tr/  (You can select IPADOVA01 for VIU application.)
  • The application will be taken under Erasmus program. Erasmus grant is not guaranteed.
  • Quota: 20 Undergraduate Students (10 Fall semester / 10 Spring Semester)

For more information on the application process please visit: https://iro.sabanciuniv.edu/en/outgoing-students/erasmus

Venice International University Globalization Program for semester exchange

Click for courses in Fall 2025

Click for courses in Spring 2026

Academic Calender 


Contact: suoutgoing@sabanciuniv.edu

1. Either to be registered in a diploma program at Sabancı University or fulfill the minimum credit requirement to make major declaration before the start of his/her exchange period. If you are an undergraduate student, willing to obtain minimum credit requirement for declaration before the start of your exchange period, you are more than welcome to apply for the programs.

Students can apply without declaring their major diploma program. However, they have to inform us about the diploma program they intend to declare during the application by stating it through online system.  The program you will declare in our system should be the same as the program you will declare during Major Declaration period to the university. At the end of the major declaration days stated in the academic calendar, we will also check it with your Faculty and Student Resources Unit.

2.  Minimum overall GPA requirement for undergraduate students is: 2.2 (by the time of application) & minimum overall GPA requirement for postgraduate students is 2.5 (by the time of application).

3.  No balance or responsibilities due to Sabancı University.

4. Language proficiency on the language of instruction of the host institution. 

5. Students enrolled for Professional Graduate Programs cannot apply for exchange programs (Executive MBA, Business Analytics for Professionals, Masters in FinanceMasters in Business Analytics (Thesis), Information Technologies, Data Analytics, Energy Tech.&Man. non-thesis and Nanotechnology).

6.  Students who has disciplinary suspension during the term they are supposed to be an exchange student, wouldn't be allowed to go, as stated in Higher Education Council regulations, they would lose their rights as a student. Therefore, students with disciplinary suspension for the term they accepted as an exchange student, would lose their rights to go with Exchange programs.

7.  You must meet the entry requirements of the partner university during its application procedures which will take place after the placements.

8. There's a separate application process for MBA students only. MBA students receive this information from their faculty directly.

(For Erasmus applications only) If you have benefited from Erasmus (student mobility or placement) before, you should make sure that the total length of mobility at each level (undergraduate or graduate) - no matter the type of mobility – should not exceed 12 months.

Please note that students have the responsibility to:

-Check the "entry requirements" of the host institution you're planning to apply for via their institutional websites. After placements there will be an application procedure and you must get an acceptance letter from the host institution you've been placed. In order to be able to get acceptance, you must fulfill "entry requirements".

-Check which subjects are available for you. Please make sure to check the instruction language of the courses you wish to choose as well as the pre-requisities.

-Check the academic calendar to avoid time clashes.

  • Main Call for Global Exchange and Erasmus+ applications will be done separately for students who want to participate exchange programs in Fall or Spring term.
  • Application dates are provisional and there could be some changes and updates.
  • Updated partner university lists and available quotas will be announced on mySU before the application period for each call. 


FOR ERASMUS +:Max. TOTAL POINTS 100 = cum GPA (50%) + English Language Score (50%) + Special Condition

Student placements will be made based on the rules below:

Total Points (100) = cum GPA (50%) +English Language Score (50%) +*Special Condition

*Special conditions:

-  Child of martyr or veteran (must be documented)/ Şehit ve gazi çocuklarına+15  

- Students with disability (must be documented)/Engelli öğrencilere (engelliliğin belgelenmesi kaydıyla)+10

- Students who are proteceted under Law No. 2828 (2828 sayılı Sosyal Hizmetler Kanunu kapsamında korunma, bakım veya barınma kararı) /2828 Sayılı Sosyal Hizmetler Kanunu ile 5395 sayılı Çocuk Koruma Kanunu kapsamında haklarında korunma, bakım veya barınma kararı alınmış öğrencilere +10

- Students or their first degree relatives from AFAD disaster victim aid recipients/Kendileri veya 1. derece yakınları AFAD’dan afetzede yardımı alanlar +10 (TEK SEFERE MAHSUS UYGULANIR)

- Students who have benefited from Erasmus+ Exchange (Erasmus+ study or Erasmus+ Placement or placed to Erasmus+ or Erasmus+ placement at the time of his/her exchange application) / Daha önce yararlanma (hibeli veya hibesiz) -10

- Applying for the Country of citizenship/ Vatandaşı olunan ülkede hareketliliğe katılma-10

- Cancellation of mobility after the given deadline for cancellation for all next applications during their study/ Hareketliliğe seçildiği halde süresinde feragat bildiriminde bulunmaksızın hareketliliğe katılmama-10

- Applying for both mobilities (study and internship) multaneously (a reduction is applied to the mobility type preferred by the student)İki hareketlilik türüne birden aynı anda başvurma (öğrencinin tercih ettiği hareketlilik türüne azaltma uygulanır)-10

There will be late calls for the remaining slots from the main call. Total points will be calculated as it is in the main call described above. The placement rules will be the same as in the main call.


 For undergraduate students only:  English language score will be calculated by (ENG 101 x 0,4) + (ENG 102 x 0,6) and will be considered as the other %50 of your total point, which will be used for the placement. 

Important Note: As of 201701 (Fall 2017), English language score will be calculated by (SPS 101x 0,4) + (AL 102 x 0,6) according to the table English Proficiency Coefficients as of 201701.

NEW !!! SPS 101, SPS 102, and AL 102 grades are used to determine the English proficiency score. First, all the grades are converted to 100-scale according to the table below and the average of the highest two scores are calculated to reach at EPC. A student must have a passing grade from SPS 101 to be eligible to apply. Students who do not have SPS 102 and/or AL 102 score(s) at the time of the application, will be assessed as if they attained grade “C” from these courses.
You may read the document in the below link about the new rules for English Proficiency Coefficients (EPC) in selection & placements of Outgoing Students' for exchange program and also for sample calculations.
Please click for EPC rules for selection & placement criteria and for sample calculations.

Important note for undergraduate students only:  Students who do not have ENG101/SPS 101 score cannot apply for exchange programs. Students, who does not have ENG 102 and SPS 102/AL 102 score at the time of the application, will be assessed as if they attained grade "C" in ENG 102.

For post graduate students only:  Your submitted test scores to SU will be considered as the other %50 of your total point, which will be used for the placement. English Proficiency Coefficients for PG.


1- Students are ranked according to the total score obtained and placed according to their preference order and the quota and conditions of the universities.
2-Agreements have priorities within their faculties (Please check faculty priority section in the online system)
3- For agreements having flexible undergraduate, graduate quotas; graduate students will be on priority. Students having the same total points are ranked by cum. GPAs.
4-Double major programs: The main program at SU will be considered during placements unless students inform IRO regarding placements request considering the second program.
5- Students with the same total score are ranked according to their GPA and order of preference.
6- Following rules will be made for students with the same score and the same preferences with same preference number.

If the total points calculated by taking into account all criteria are equal; priority is given to the student with a higher academic score (CGPA). If the academic scores (CGPA) are also equal, priority is given to the younger student.  If the date of birth is the same, then a lottery is drawn among students with equal scores, witnessed by the Exchange Committee.

  • SUBMIT your application through SU exchange application system first. After finalizing your preferences, submit them to TURNA Portal. We strongly remind you that in order to submit a valid application, students must complete  application by choosing the same number of universities in the same order on both portals.  Applications that have not completed in both systems will not be taken into consideration. Erasmus score on exchange.sabanciuniv.edu will be considered for placement. There could be minor differences in the Erasmus score on E-devlet portal due to calculation method.

1- The SU exchange system: https://exchange.sabanciuniv.edu/
Documents to upload:

Transcript (you may upload your transcript taken from Banner web)
Thesis Advisor Approval Form (only for Graduate students)

 2- Students are also required to apply through E-devlet portal: https://turnaportal.ua.gov.tr/ 
Documents to upload:

Transcript (you may upload your transcript taken from Banner web)

Transcript which you upload to both portals should be same and current one.

  • Click for E-devlet application portal guide 
  • Students will not be asked to bring or submit any hard copy document to our office.
  • You can edit and submit your application form as many times as you like until the given deadline. The latest version will be considered.


  • You can reach free slot list via our online system: http://exchange.sabanciuniv.edu/agreements. Firstly, check the relevant information on our website You will be able to make applications for our partners listed only on our university list shared through the application system. This is a dynamic list updated regularly. We advise you to check it and edit your application if necessary.
  • Please make sure to check partners based on the agreement fields, eligibility criteria, available courses, and the language of the courses as well.
  • You can list up to 5 universities in your preferences.
  • Check partner institutions’ web pages related to courses, living expenses and other issues about exchange. 
  • It is the student's responsibility to make sure they satisfy/will satisfy all the application process of partners and the partner university may request written proof, and/or may require extra conditions. Please note that information on the website of partners might change. Please check back for up-dates and further information on partner's own websites. Please check the language of instruction (especially in Germany, Spain, Portugal, Italy) of the related agreement subject via partner’s own website.
  • Make your preferences if you are ready to take courses from the specified agreement field.
  • Check the requirements of the partner university if there is any completed semester limitation e.g. minimum Junior or Senior Level. We strongly recommend you to prefer the agreements suitable for your program.

Please click for previous placements !


All undergraduate and graduate students are required to take minimum 20 ECTS during exchange semester.                     

  • You may review the courses taken by previous exchange students
  • Please also note that; the database shows only the courses that our students have received until this semester. 
  • The courses opened in the partner institution are much more than those found in our database and updated course offerings can be found from the host university’s web page.
  • Only for FENS students:  Basic science credits will not be earned from Free Elective Courses.

You may check the courses taken by former exchange students HERE (SU COURSE DATABASE)


Grades will be transferred according to tables approved by University Academic Council. Table may be updated upon request made by the partner and if needed by SU.

Please CLICK here for GRADE CONVERSION TABLES approved by the Academic Council !
(Updated on January 2025)

Important Notes:

  • All local grades  of partners will be transferred to SU grades according to the conversion tables approved by the Academic Council at SU.
  • The tables may change according to changes in the grading system of the host university, re-evaluations of the Faculties.
  • Undergraduate students participating in exchange programs are required to take a minimum of 4
    courses or 20 AKTS/ECTS credits.
  • Credits and grades taken in the exchange period should be submitted to SU system until the following term starts. 
  • When determining the equivalencies of courses taken at the partner institution, program requirements of the student's major and/or minor programs should be taken into consideration.
  • No changes will be done after grade submission completed or semester ends.


  • In transferring courses other than those equivalent to "0" credits in the SU Course Catalog, the following rules apply:

    a. If a "Zero (0) SU credit" course to be transferred from the partner institution is graded as "Pass/Fail," it will be transferred to SU with an "S/U" grade. (Pass corresponds to "S", Fail corresponds to "U"). In this case, the following rule applies:
    S - Satisfactory (Successful in courses not included in the GPA calculation) 
    U - Unsatisfactory (Unsuccessful in courses not included in the GPA calculation)
    (As per regulations, even if the partner institution's grading system is in the form of "A, B, C, ..." acceptable grades should be transferred with "S," while unacceptable grades should be transferred with "U").

    b. If a "Non-zero (0) SU credit" course to be transferred from the partner institution is graded as "Pass/Fail," it will be transferred to SU with a "T/F" grade. (Pass corresponds to "T", Fail corresponds to "F") In this case, the following rule applies:
    T - Transfer (Successfully completed courses transferred from another educational institution and included in the GPA calculation)F - Failed with 0.0 weight (Unsuccessful in courses included in the GPA calculation)

    Note: While it is not recommended for students to take multiple courses in this matter during the exchange period, the cases of students not complying with this rule may be determined by the relevant Faculty/Institute Boards. 
  • For a new course that is not in the LA system, the student needs to make two separate applications. 

    Step 1: The first equivalency for the course to be taken must be provided by the program to which the subject of the course belongs (the steps mentioned above are followed).

    Step 2: Once the program to which the subject of the course belongs assigns the course equivalency as PROGRAM-Core, Program-Area, or FELS in the LA System, the student submits a new application for the same course by selecting their program information. LA Exchange Advisor of the student's program will then review the equivalency given by the program related to the course and decide on the course equivalency within their own program, entering this information into the system.

    Note 1: For a course that does not have a complete equivalency in the "ALL programs" section of the LA system, the student can view the equivalency related to the program of the course subject. If they cannot see the course equivalency related to their own program, they only need to complete the Step 2 mentioned above.

    Note 2: If students have previously had courses recognized for their registered Major and Double Major programs (for courses that already have equivalencies in the LA system), they do not need to obtain approval again.

    When determining the equivalence of courses:
    a. Graduate students' courses are determined by the advisors in the relevant field and sent to Exchange Program Advisor (LA Advisor) for approval.
    b. If the course has a direct equivalent at SU, it will be transferred with the SU course code. 
    c. If the course at the partner institution has a direct SU equivalent, ECTS and SU credits will be transferred as follows:

    For undergraduate students;
    i. If the ECTS credits of the course at the partner institution are between 3-7.5 ECTS, the SU ECTS credit will be directly applicable.
    ii. If the ECTS credit of the course at the partner institution is greater than 7.5, it can be transferred as two separate courses with the approval of the LA advisor, and it will be displayed in the system accordingly. If the ECTS credit of the course is 7.5 (for module courses), when determining the SÜ equivalent, 6 ECTS must correspond to one course, while the remaining 1.5 ECTS credit should be counted as a core/area/elective course.
    iii. If the ECTS credits of the course at the partner institution are <3, the course will not have a direct equivalent, and it will be transferred as a core/field/elective course.

    For graduate students: If the courses have one-to-one equivalents at SU, they will be transferred with SU course code, the SU credit will be directly applicable, and the ECTS credit in the SU course catalog will be applicable with the approval of LA advisor.

    d. Courses with equivalents at SU will not be given generic equivalencies such as "Free" (i.e., equivalent to FELE, FELM, or FELS in the system), "Core" (i.e., equivalent to CORE/Core Elective Course in the system), and/or "Area" (i.e., equivalent to ARE/Area Elective Course in the system).
    e. If the course does not have one-to-one equivalence at SU, the ECTS credit at the partner institution will be valid. The SU credit will be calculated as half of the ECTS credit, and final decision will be given by LA Advisor.



1. Confirmation of Participation:  

  • After the placements announced, you'll have few days to send us confirmation via online system. 
  • Those who do not send this confirmation until the specified time will lose their placement. 
  • Students wishing to object to the placement results should notify IRO by e-mail within 3 days.
  • Make sure to check all requirements (language of the courses, courses offered, accommodation, visa, etc.) before confirming your place

2. Application Procedures of Partner University:  Once students confirm their places, IRO nominates students to Partner University. Students have the responsibility to complete application procedures of the partners until their deadline. Students have the responsibility to complete application procedures of the partners until their deadline.

3. Your placement does not guarantee your acceptance to the partner universities. Final acceptance decisions will be taken by the partner universities upon evaluation of your applications.

4. We will send your nomination to the partner universities according to the partner university deadlines. We kindly ask you NOT to contact the partner university that you placed until you receive a confirmation from IRO. We will inform you for further procedures soon.


While you are not required to pay tuition fees at your host institution as an exchange student, you will be responsible for all other expenses. To cover a part of these, you might receive an Erasmus+ grant (for EU-countries). Erasmus+ grant is not guaranteed. 


--The Erasmus+ program is an EU-funded education program, designed to encourage students to expand their university education by spending a period of study in another EU member state.

--The program applies to all member countries of the EU excluding Switzerland. To achieve this, funds are provided ONLY for formally organized student exchange programs involving specific universities with which SU has signed a Bilateral Agreement.

--Students participating in Erasmus exchange programs may receive an Erasmus+ grant according to their Erasmus points.

--Being placed or nominated at a university under the Erasmus program does not guarantee that you will receive a grant. The number of grantees is determined by the National Agency in accordance with the grant budget allocated to our university.

--Grant distribution starts from the main call and in case of any cancellation from the participant, next student on the list will be granted.

--Grants are paid to students in two instalments. 70% of the grant is paid before mobility and the remaining 30% is paid after return. Final grant amount is determined according to the dates stated in Certificate of Attendance and remaining payment is made accordingly.

--Grant payments cannot be made to any bank other than AKBANK.

--Students also are able to participate in Erasmus+ Study program without receiving a grant. Please also note that, these students should complete the same process and also submit the required documents if needed.

--Only the study periods spent at the country of the partner university will be granted. Virtual mobility periods in Turkey will not be granted. 




Additional grants are available for students with disabilities and health conditions wishing to participate in an Erasmus+ placement and where participation would not be possible without extra financial support. For your questions; please e-mail to suoutgoing@sabanciuniv.edu.


This part is only valid for students who hold Turkish citizenship. Additional Grant Support may be provided (an extra grant of 250 € per month) to disadvantaged participants in addition to the grant they are entitled to. In order for the grant to be given, official proving documents should be submitted to IRO during the application period. This grant is not guaranteed , it depends on availability of our Erasmus budget.

 Definition of disadvantaged participant; 

  1. Students who are covered by the 2828 numbered Social Services Law (Aile ve Sosyal Hizmetler Bakanlığı tarafından haklarında 2828 sayılı Kanun uyarınca koruma, bakım veya barınma kararı olanlar)
  2. Within the scope of Child Protection Law No. 5395 (5395 sayılı Çocuk Koruma Kanunu Kapsamında haklarında korunma, bakım veya barınma kararı alınmış öğrencilere)
  3. Students who receive orphan’s pension (if the other parent does not have any income)
  4. Children of martyr and veterans
  5. Student or the student’s parents receive financial aid (muhtaçlık aylığı)
  6. Disabled participants (A report or statement confirming the disability min.%50)
  7. Only for TR citizens-Ebeveynlerinden biri veya vasisi, 65 Yaşını Doldurmuş Muhtaç, Güçsüz Ve Kimsesiz Türk Vatandaşları ile Engelli ve Muhtaç Türk Vatandaşlarına Aylık Bağlanması Hakkında 01.07.1976 tarih ve 2022 sayılı Kanun kapsamında engelli veya muhtaç aylığı alan öğrenciler.
  8. Only for TR citizens- Kendileri veya 1. derece yakınları AFAD’dan afetzede yardımı alanlar (1. derece yakınlar: anne, baba, çocuklar ve eş,)


Travel grant is calculated according to the distance between home and host institution. 


Students may receive Green Travel Grant, in case they prefer green travel, up to 4 days for individual travel days with an additional one-time grant of EUR 50. This grant encourages students to travel to their exchange destination by bus or train as an alternative to flying. The grant for the Green Travel  will be paid out together with your final Erasmus scholarship payment at the end of your exchange trip. You should submit the related documents (bus ticket, train ticket etc, receipts.) including travel route and date.

Travel Grant


  • Within the framework of the new program rules announced by the Turkish National Agency, unlike the previous years; in case of academic failure, grant deduction will be mandatory. To avoid such a deduction you must have a passing grade for courses totaling 12 or more ECTS credits. Otherwise, you will receive a 5% grant deduction in the final total amount calculated according to the Certificate of Participation. This is also the minimum deduction the Turkish National Agency requires. In case of an academic failure from all courses taken at the partner university, 20% of the final grant amount will be deducted.
  • Except for technical reasons, you should fill out an online participant survey after the mobility otherwise 20%  will be deducted from the total final grant.
  • If you return home before the end of the mobility period or before the min. required duration, grant deduction shall be made.
  • If documents proving participation for the mobility (Certificate of Participation or transcript (ToR)) is not submitted, the mobility will be void and no grant is paid; first grant payment is expected to be refunded.


Obviously, the costs of your semester abroad will depend on the country you go to and length of your stay. Available grants will only cover a (small) part of your expenses so you should expect to spend additional personal savings and/or to receive parental support.


Scholarships of undergraduate students continue while abroad. Graduate students stipends do not continue as they are required to work as assistants at SU.

The information about grants may be subject to change according to National Agency rules&implementations and new regulations & decisions taken by the Sabancı Exchange Committe.

Erasmus+ Short-Term PhD Mobility (Internship) First Call-2024-2025 Academic Year

Application Dates:

Application: December 23, 2024- January 13,2025 at 16:00

Announcement of Results: January 17,2025

1.What is the Short-Term PhD Mobility (Internship)?

This program is designed to allow doctoral candidates to undertake short-term internship mobility abroad to better address their learning and training needs, creating equal opportunities for doctoral students. Within the scope of our current call, internship mobility can be carried out for a minimum of 5 days and a maximum of 14 days.

2. Who Can Apply?

Full-time doctoral students registered at SU..

3. Possible Destination Countries and Institutions

Any university/company/organization abroad, excluding EU institutions, EU agencies, and National Agencies in Erasmus+ program countries& Switzerland and The United Kingdom.

Erasmus+ program countries: Germany, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Cyprus, Croatia, Netherlands, Ireland, Spain, Sweden, Italy, Iceland, North Macedonia, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Hungary, Malta, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Greece.

Other Eligible Partner Countries: Switzerland and The United Kingdom*

*If the internship will be carried out at higher education institutions in countries not related to the program, a bilateral inter-institutional agreement must be signed between the sending institution and the receiving institution prior to the internship activity. For further information, you can contact us at suoutgoing@sabanciuniv.edu.


 4. Mobility Duration and Grant Amount:

  • Within the budget of the current Erasmus+ KA131 project, selected candidates for this mobility type will be granted for a minimum of 5 days and a maximum of 14 days. Individual support grants will be provided for a travel day before and after the activity if the total number of days does not exceed 14 days. Mobility must be completed by July 31, 2025.
  • Daily grant amount: 79 Euros
  • Travel Grant: Travel Grant will be provided to according to the travel distance between host institution and the home university.

Travel Distance

Travel Grant Amount (Euro)

Between 10 - 99 KM


Between 100 - 499 KM


Between 500- 1999 KM


Between 2000 -2999 KM


Between 3000 -3999 KM


Between 4000- 7999 KM


8000 KM or more


5. Eligible Activities:

Students, with the aim of gaining general skills, work experience, or research experience directly related to their doctoral studies, can undertake internships abroad at a university, business, research institute, laboratory, organization, or another relevant work area. Internships can be for various activities, including conducting fieldwork, gathering data, and collecting materials necessary for the thesis.

Participation in conference/symposiums: Participation in conferences/symposiums is not eligible for short-term doctoral mobility but candidates can attend relevant events independently of their mobility.

6. Application Criteria:

  • Candidates must have a minimum CGPA of 3.50.
  • Candidates must be full-time students at SU during the application.
  • The planned activity must be approved by the student's thesis advisor.
  • The mobility duration must be at least 5 days.Activity dates should be specified in the acceptance letter or email provided by the hosting institution.

7.Application Documents:

 Upload the following documents to the online application system

  • Applicants must have a signed and stamped official acceptance letter from the institution where they will undertake their internship, and they should upload these letters or emails to the online system during the application. A pre-acceptance letter/email will also be accepted during the application. The participation dates must be clearly stated in the acceptance letter.
  • Mobility Application Form signed by the thesis advisor and the student.
  • Transcript
  • The language proficiency document submitted during university admission will be used.. If you wish to submit a document with a higher valid score, you can upload the document to the system.
  • Your submitted test scores to SU will be considered as the other %50 of your total point, which will be used for the placement. English Proficiency Coefficients for PG

8. Placement Criteria:



Academic achievement (CGPA)

50% (out of 100 points)

Language proficiency (the exam result submitted during university admission will be used)

50% (out of 100 points)

Those who or whose first-degree relatives receive financial aid from AFAD

+10 points


Children of martyrs and veterans

+15 points

Disabled participants (A report or statement confirming the disability)

+10 points

Students protected, under the scope of Child Protection Law No. 5395


+10 points

Internships for developing digital skills (DOTs) are prioritized

+5 points

Previous participation in the same degree level (with or without a grant)

-10 points

Participation in mobility in the country of citizenship

-10 points

Cancellation of mobility after the given without a valid reason.


-10 points

Applying for two mobility types simultaneously (deduction is applied to the preferred mobility type of the student)

-10 points


Candidates will be placed starting from the highest score based on the relevant grant budget.

Students are expected to confirm their participation after the placement results are announced. If a student cancels the participation, Students on the waiting list or those participating without a grant will be informed. In the event that the budget is insufficient to cover all applications, participation without a grant is also possible.


9. Announcement of Results:

Results will be announced within the week following the application deadline.

10.Documents to be Completed Before the Mobility:

1. Learning Agreement for Traineeship (Before Mobility):This agreement allows the student to undertake the internship mobility. It should include details about the internship program and should be prepared based on an mutual agreement between the student, the host institution, and the student's department. This document should be prepared in digital format and submitted to IRO after being signed by the Erasmus Academic Advisor. The institutional coordinator's signature is obtained only by the IRO. Students do not need to contact  to the institutional coordinator for signatures. After that, the document must also be signed by the host institution.

2. Grant Agreement: The agreement will be prepared by International Relations Office.

Students participating in internship activities must have health insurance, liability insurance, and accident insurance. These insurances can be obtained by the host institution or the student. Regarding these insurances, the student should first consult to the host institution. If the host institution does not provide the insurance, the student must obtain the policy, and the names of the insurance companies and policy numbers should be included in the grant agreement..

Liability insurance covers damages caused by the student during their stay abroad, whether at the workplace or elsewhere. There are different regulations regarding liability insurance in different countries. Therefore, participants may face the risk of being outside the insurance coverage.

Accident insurance covers damages that employees may suffer due to accidents in the workplace. In many countries, employees are insured against such accidents in the workplace. However, there are differences in each country. regarding the extent to which international interns are covered under the same insurance. The student should check whether accident insurance is necessary or not.

11.Grant Payments:

The first installemnt of the grant will be paid in %90 on the first Friday before the departure date. The rest of the payment (%10 of the grant) will be transffered upon the completion of after mobility documents.

12. Turkish Airlines Discount and Extra Baggage Allowance

Participants in Erasmus+ projects have the right to a 15% discount on the "base fare," which is the net ticket price excluding fuel and taxes, for their international flights with Turkish Airlines. Additionally, they can also benefit from a total baggage allowance of 40kg.

13.  Documents to be Completed After the Mobility:

Webiste: https://iro.sabanciuniv.edu/en/outgoing-students/erasmus  


Contact: Zeynep Ezgi Erdem/ suoutgoing@sabanciuniv.edu


