Health Insurance - for Exchange Students-

As per immigration laws in Turkey, it is mandatory that all exchange students have valid insurance that covers the total duration of their enrollment at Sabancı University. The insurance should take effect from the day the student enters Turkey and cover the complete duration of stay. Health insurance is not only for your own safety, but it is a legal obligation for your stay in Turkey. The health insurance mentioned here must be different from the travel health insurances or that you may have it from your own country. Because in order to obtain a residence permit in Turkey, your insurance has to meet the insurance conditions announced by the immigration office. In addition, the relevant document must be prepared in Turkish in Turkey.

️ Accepted Health Insurance Options

1. Get a Private Health Insurance in Turkey ( Recommended)

We recommend you obtain private health insurance upon your arrival in Turkey. After arriving in Turkey, please visit or contact any Turkish health insurance agency with your passport and obtain a "Health insurance for foreigners" (in Turkish "YABANCILAR İÇİN SAĞLIK SİGORTASI") policy issued for at least 1 year. The document must be issued in Turkish by an insurance company in Turkey.

We can suggest you companies, or you can find a well-known company to get a health insurance, such as Turk Nippon, Allianz, Sompo, Aksigorta etc. Just make sure that it is an appropriate health insurance for the residence permit as requested. As IRO We do not provide a direct assistance or have any responsibility with health insurance. Therefore, it is your responsibility. You must contact the agencies, follow through with all transactions, and make sure you understand your policy coverage very well.

A comprehensive health insurance must cover the below-given points and these points must be clearly articulated in the health insurance plan/agreement:

The Minimum Coverage TableContracted Institutions*Non-Contracted Institutions
Annual Min. LimitContributionsAnnual Min. LimitContributions
Outpatient Diagnosis Treatment2.000 TL

Insured: 40%

Company: 60%

2.000 TL

Insured: 40%

Company: 60%

Impatient Diagnosis TreatmentUnlimited

Insured: 0%

Company: 100%

20.000 TL

Insured: 20%

Company: 80%

*Non- Contracted Institutions: Institutions (hospitals, physicians’ offices, and the other health institutions.) do not have an agreement with the insurer. (The minimum coverage cost may differ)

The insurance document must include the below statement: (please make sure your health insurance company adds this note to your health insurance document):

“İşbu police 10.06.2021 tarihli ve 8/2021 sayılı vize ve ikamet izni taleplerinde yaptırılacak özel sağlık sigortalarına ilişkin genelgede belirlenen asgari teminat yapısını kapsamaktadır.”

(The sentence above is stating that the insurance fulfills the coverage required for the residence permit.)

IMPORTANT NOTE:Regardless of its type, make sure that your insurance can be used for residence permit purposes.


Students from below mentioned European countries can benefit from the Bilateral Social Security Agreements as alternative insurance coverage In Turkey.

If your country and Turkey has a social security agreement, you need to bring the “Right to Health Assistance Certificate” with you. You can request and collect it from your local Social Security Office.

(Also, we cannot guarantee that this insurance is acceptable all the time. So, the immigration office can ask you to purchase insurance in Turkey.)

To be covered by Turkish Public Health Insurance, you must activate your certificate in Istanbul.

After activating your insurance, do not forget to obtain a Provision (provizyon) document from the same social insurance institution and bring it to us. Otherwise, bilateral agreements are not valid for residence permit applications.

You need to go to the closest one of the authorized social security centers in Istanbul, the addresses of which are given below.

Tuzla SGK – Tuzla Social Security Office

Kadıköy SGK – Kadıköy Social Security Office

The below-given countries have a Bilateral Social Security Agreement with Turkey. If you are from one of those countries, you can benefit from Turkish Public Health Care after activating your certificate. Note: the list is subject to change.

Country NameAgreement Code
GermanyTA 11
NetherlandsN/TUR 111
BelgiumBT 8
AustriaA/TR 3
FranceSE 208-6 A FT & SE 208-28 FT
RomaniaR/TR 3
Bosnia HerzegovinaBH/TR 4
Czech RepublicCZ/TR 111
N. MacedoniaMC/TR 4
LuxembourgTR/L 3

Warning: Even if you get approval for this kind of health insurance, your health insurance in Turkey is valid up to 6 months in Turkey.

Note: You can benefit from public health services (public hospitals, clinics etc.) with the social security number given to you by the social security institution.

❗Please make sure that you contact your home university’s exchange office and confirm if there is an active bilateral social security agreement between your country and Turkey.